You’ll reap the benefits of Sunlight Exposure
We often hear about the dangers of too much sun exposure, but with the right balance, there are plenty of benefits to soaking up those rays too.
Studies show that spending just 15 minutes with arms, face and hands exposed to the sun three times a week is enough to absorb sufficient levels of Vitamin D. This vitamin is created by the skin when exposed to the sun’s Ultra B Lights. This amazing vitamin is responsible for strengthening bones, and getting enough of it can lower the risk of heart attacks, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.
Then we have Serotonin, the hormone associated with making us feel happy and calm, and focused. Our body produces this wonderful hormone every time sunlight reaches the retina of our eyes. The lack of such is why some people often feel sad during the wintertime when there is less sunlight. Serotonin is such a crucial part of our chemistry that it plays a role in sleep, digestion, bone density and mood.
You’ll Improve our Sleep
Have you ever noticed that when we see children spending a few hours outside, someone usually is bound to declare, “they’ll sleep well tonight!”
Let’s explore why that is; one reason is that when outside, we are usually encouraged to move about more and expend our energy. Another has to do with our Circadian Rhythms and how our bodies are in synchronicity with the light and darkness of the day and night.
Spending extra hours outside in the sunlight (especially in the morning) and away from the glow of the artificial light from our devices, our internal clocks begin to reset so that we can sync back into our natural sleeping rhythms.